In the name of a fast fashion designer brand, the Ximeng model has encountered market buoyancy. With high quality and low prices, we will attack our e-commerce and create our own stage. We speak for ourselves! Since March, in a short period of one month, Xi Mengyi has continued to open new stores in Shanxi, Xiamen, Guangzhou, and Jiangxi, accelerating the country's overall distribution. In the first half of 2016, when the clothing industry closed down, the company was still making headway.

Xi Mengyi also opened a new 160-square-meter store in Donghua Garden in Shanxi Province to meet the one-stop shopping experience requirements of consumer diversification and multi-category products.

New store address: Donghuayuan, Xinghualing District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province

In full swing, it is reflected in their backs that product updates are rapid, brand positioning is clear, and the cooperation model keeps pace with the times and fashion trends.

In 2016, when the apparel market continued to slump, Xi Mengqi was able to achieve such rapid development. It was inseparable from the support and love of the vast majority of consumers. What we can give back to consumers is to bring the fast fashion designer's children's wear brand to more cities, so that consumers in more places can feel zero distance and feel the value shopping experience brought by Xi Meng.

Next, Xi Meng will also be stationed in more cities, with "high-quality, stylish, low-cost, rich" products stunning every consumer, so that every time the consumer enters the store, can surprise again and again.

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