The good news is that beauty poetry lingerie ushered in the opening of good news, beauty poetry Nanchang Zhongshan Branch recently grand opening! Zhongshan Road is still Nanchang City, one of the most prosperous commercial street, large shopping malls, all kinds of clothing stores a total of more than 700, can be described as Land size gold.


New store opened big bargain, the audience 3.8 fold minimum exhibition sales, as well as generous gift phase. On the same day, friends in the vicinity poured into the store, enjoy the snapped up, harvesting gratifying results on the first day of opening.

Beauty poetry why so fire?

Beauty poetry store image and service dual upgrade help powerhouses to seize the market advantage: With the development trend of the underwear industry, beauty poetry store surface design innovation, so that customers in the happy shopping process naturally by the store image, products, services, infection , And into the emotional consumer ...


As the current popular Chinese women pushing the center of beauty as the pursuit of fashion, based on the benefits of mass brand underwear, beauty poetry in the minds of women throughout the country have set a good image.

If you also want to join beauty poetry, you can submit the cooperation intention to headquarters through online application, written fax or telephone communication.

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