In the past wear, perhaps you will think that white skin people wear everything looks good, good people who wear what is good looking, never choose to pick your clothes, but the clothes to pick you. In the face of so wild a single product, you think for everyone, in fact, only for their own is wild. Faced with these doubts outfit, whether you have a new way of thinking, and today we went into Danby slave fashion queen classroom, opened the 4 major errors dress, fashion queen.


Misunderstanding one: what to wear white skin look good

Everyone's skin color is warm and cold points, skin whitening people wear soft white clothes immediately will appear very unhealthy, like the same illness.

Myth: fat people wear black will be thin

Although black is shrinking color, but it also gives a heavy and stable features, if fat people wear black from head to toe, not only will not be thin, but will look more like a weigh scale weight. So fat people best not to wear a black, otherwise it will appear more fat.

Misunderstanding three: what to wear good figure look good

If you have to rely on their good body, what to wear on the body, that is a big mistake. Queen Danby always think that only by choosing the right clothes and style of their own clothes, dressing will look good. Or do you look, good face, good body clothing is not good-looking beauty of life is not abound?


Misunderstanding 4: skin black to wear light-colored to contrast

In life, the Queen of fashion denim often see the dark-skinned people wear light-colored clothes, will seem very unhappy. Most dark-skinned, dark-eyed men wear dark colors that look great and give a deep feel to darker clothes. But most skin-dark people like to wear light colors, think wearing a light color can improve their skin, but in reality it is the opposite, which can seem very insignificant and top-heavy.

Careful discovery in life, always let us full of surprises. In fact, wear on the ride is no exception, we should pay attention to the details of the deal, to find the most suitable for their style of wear, to avoid the mistaken dress. Become a fashion queen, starting from Danby slave. Danny slave fashion queen classroom | You do not know the 4 big dressing mistakes.

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