Industrial Ethernet IP network technology embedded operating system intelligent controller In the current building automation system of intelligent buildings, due to the existence of various field bus standards, the control of the building automation system to the controlled electrical equipment is scalable and interoperable. There are huge obstacles in the aspect, which is basically simply monitored by the field controller. Part of the operating parameters of the device are not optimized for the performance of the device itself based on changes in the application environment. The main reason is that the provider of the field controller itself does not have the design and manufacturing capability for the controlled device, and the environmental parameter setting of the intelligent electrical device itself cannot be optimized. Embedding Ethernet-based controllers directly into the device's controllers by electrical device manufacturers can change this situation.

The Ethernet transmission mode is superior to various fieldbus protocols in terms of fast transmission speed, easy installation, high cost performance and good compatibility. Therefore, all countries in the world have studied Ethernet as a de facto industrial standard, in order to realize the "plug and play" of building electrical equipment in the control system. This paper proposes a more effective integrated control concept for the building control system of the conventional fieldbus plus field controller based on the intelligent building electrical equipment integrated production idea of ​​the industrial Ethernet controller embedded in the real-time operating system.

1 Ethernet and IP technology in the field of measurement and control The basic principle of the measurement and control system based on IP network technology is to replace the traditional serial bus with Ethernet (Ethernet), and replace the traditional one with the open universal TCP/IP protocol. The dedicated communication protocol developed by the manufacturer itself integrates the control system of the device and the building automation system through the production and manufacture of the product. This system is a fusion of traditional measurement and control technology and the latest information technology, which is not available in other types of measurement and control systems. The key technology is to solve the "non-determinism" of Ethernet data transmission, enhance the real-time nature of data, and the reliability level of TCPAP protocol, etc., to meet the requirements of real-time, interoperability and controllability in the field of measurement and control, thus in modern automation networks. In the middle, the control layer and the information layer are seamlessly connected (all compatible).

Compared with some developed countries, China has long been in a backward position in the traditional measurement and control field. Intelligent measurement and control technology and market have been held by international manufacturers for a long time. Chinese researchers and manufacturers have been facing the monopoly of technology and market monopoly of international manufacturers. China is the first country to conduct research on the application of open network technology and open communication protocols in the field of intelligent measurement and control. Our Taihao technology and research institutes and experts and scholars have conducted research in this area, but the progress is slow, there is no practical product, and it is not systematic. Although foreign manufacturers recognize the development trend of Ethernet and IP technology in the field of measurement and control, due to the technology and market monopoly in the field of traditional measurement and control, there is great inertia in adopting and promoting new technologies, although research in this area is carried out. At the end of the day there are products and systems that are available. In other words, research based on Ethernet and IP technology for measurement and control, intelligent building electrical equipment is leading the world.

In a nutshell, the most basic technological innovation of measurement and control systems based on IP network technology is the successful implementation of Ethernet and TCP/IP technology in the traditional measurement and control field. The traditional measurement and control technology is based on closed and non-open communication protocols of various manufacturers, which brings great troubles to the construction of intelligent buildings. The original measurement and control technology is applied in large-scale intelligent buildings. Due to the defects of the technology itself and the closedness of the technology, it is difficult to realize the integration between the systems. This is a very realistic and very important solution to the problem. The Ethernet TCP/IP protocol is an open standard protocol and has been used only for data communication between computers. It is a different technical field from measurement and control technology. At present, many measurement and control vendors are vigorously promoting the application research of Ethernet and IP technologies in the field of measurement and control. The successful development of the measurement and control system based on IP network technology provides an unprecedented opportunity for China's development in the field of measurement and control: breaking the market monopoly and technological monopoly of foreign products, and taking the lead in the development trend of future measurement and control technology.

The transport layer of Ethernet is based on the CSMA/CD mechanism. This mechanism is particularly rampant for the transmission efficiency of random data. This feature makes the transmission delay of the same size data different in different time, and the uncertainty of Ethernet transmission data is caused by this.

According to the current and foreseeable future development trend of network transmission technology, the 1/, 110, 11' protocol is undoubtedly the mainstream technology in the future. The adoption of these protocols further increases the amount of data transferred compared to fieldbus.

Ethernet based on current mainstream protocols must be improved or other measures must be taken to meet industrial applications.

The following is a detailed analysis of the time taken to transmit the same amount of data over Ethernet and fieldbus. Take Ethernet and 1.2mm CAN bus as an example. For example, useful data (which must be used in the industrial field) is 10 bytes. When transmitting on the CAN bus, there is no overhead except for adding a 26-byte frame header. Ethernet with TCP/IP protocol requires at least an additional 4050 bytes of overhead. In this way, the same data is transmitted, the time spent on the CAN bus is 80100xs, and the time spent on Ethernet is much shorter. If you use the upper layer protocol, such as HTTP, Ethernet will add more data, but due to the difference in bandwidth, the total time is not much more than the CAN bus. Of course, this result is based on the premise that Ethernet does not collide. Once a data collision occurs, the above calculation has no practical significance. Although people have drawn the following conclusions through long-term statistics: when the data stream is less than 40% of the bandwidth, the probability of collision is very small, but for a certain packet, the data delay cannot be determined.

2 The impact of embedded real-time operating system on the determinism of transmission time There are several solutions in the world that address the uncertainty of Ethernet transmission. One of them is to combine the token method with the Ethernet method.

Although this method has some help to solve the problem, it also causes damage to the versatility of Ethernet. However, this idea is a good way to solve the uncertainty of Ethernet transmission time. Whether this idea can be expressed in other ways, the introduction of a real-time, multitasking operating system with priority control can solve this problem.

The biggest difference between the embedded real-time operating system and the general-purpose operating system is the real-time response. Real-time performance is controlled by the priority of the task. Tasks that require real-time response have a high priority and tasks that do not require real-time response have a low priority. High-level tasks run only when needed, so tasks with higher priority take a very short time during the entire run time, creating conditions for reducing the uncertainty of Ethernet transmission.

The uncertainty of the Ethernet transmission time is mainly due to the fact that the transmission information of different priority levels cannot be distinguished in the Ethernet transmission layer. If the Ethernet transmission process is defined as a higher priority task and the real-time response task is a higher priority level, then Ethernet transmission occurs only when needed, reducing some unnecessary responses. When all Ethernet nodes are operating in this manner, the total amount of data exchange is reduced. When real-time response is required, because this task has a higher priority, it can directly interrupt the Ethernet transmission task that has not been completed yet, and package the content that needs to be sent immediately to the Ethernet for transmission (recall the Ethernet transmission task again) , making the time of uncertainty further reduced.

In the field bus, the master-slave protocol can guarantee the certainty of the transmission time, and the introduction of the embedded real-time operating system can also make the transmission of the Ethernet show a transmission mode similar to the master-slave protocol.

When Ethernet transmission is used, a high-level protocol such as HTTP is adopted, which means that the device on the site becomes a server, and the monitoring device becomes a client. If the above-mentioned priority level control is adopted, it means that the client is equivalent to the primary station and the server is the secondary station, and the operating system limits the transmission time of the Ethernet to a relatively clear range, further compressing the transmission time. Uncertainty.

The introduction of embedded real-time operating systems is significant for implementing multiple HTTP connections. In some industrial fields, when the real-time requirements are not good, and the requirements for information monitoring and browsing are relatively low, due to the uncertainty of the connection request, the traditional programming method may cause the connection time to be too long or unable to respond to more than one connection at the same time. . The introduction of multitasking operating systems can successfully respond to more than one connection at the same time due to the successful implementation of multitasking. Through the SNMP response to the Ethernet request QoS allocation, the embedded WEB operating system and the intelligent building electrical equipment based on the Ethernet transmission capability are passed through the building integrated wiring system and controlled by the network. People can easily monitor and control the devices they control, just like using a familiar web browser.

The application of Ethernet in the industrial field is the general trend. Although there are problems such as the uncertainty of transmission time, with the adoption of Ethernet with higher transmission rate and the use of embedded real-time operating system on the intelligent building equipment side, the transmission of Ethernet is regulated, making it unpredictable. It becomes controllable within a certain period of time, and it is possible to meet or exceed the performance of the fieldbus in terms of time response, and the field bus is far behind at the transmission rate.

3 Conclusion At present, the domestic manufacturers of intelligent building electrical integration optimization are led by Taihao Technology Co., Ltd., and through the high intelligent building electrical integration manufacturing capability, they are gradually forming intelligent module central air conditioning, intelligent building distribution equipment, and intelligent mute. In the next few years, we will be able to easily connect various intelligent electrical devices through building integrated wiring systems, simply using browsers. Controlled various electrical equipment issued orders to achieve safe, efficient, energy-saving, environmentally friendly and comfortable state of the entire intelligent building.

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