The five most densely populated areas

The five most densely populated areas

1. Magazines placed in public places
On dry surfaces, colds and flu viruses can survive for more than 48 hours, and some bacteria, including E. coli, can survive for months. Attractive public magazines, especially in the doctor's office, carry a lot of colds and flu viruses, especially among the patients around them. Bathroom reading materials may also carry excreta bacteria, such as E. coli that can cause diarrhea.
Second, the office keyboard
A study by British consumer organizations conducted microbial contamination testing on 33 office keyboards. The test results show that some keyboards have “health hazards”, and one of the keyboards carries 5 times more bacteria than the toilet seat of the same office. It is a real place to hide dirt. Most of the bacteria found in the study can also be found in the nasal cavity, mouth and internal organs, so there is no danger of a huge infectious disease. But there is no doubt that keyboard publicity increases the risk of contracting infectious micro-organisms, especially colds and flu viruses.
Third, the public fitness venue
A study conducted in 2006 found that 73% of cold viruses on weightlifting equipment and 51% of aerobic fitness equipment. Fortunately, the researchers barely found traces of infectious bacteria. Obviously, public fitness equipment will bring a great risk of viral transmission. The findings were published in the Journal of Clinical Sports Medicine.
Fourth, shopping cart
A 2006 study conducted by the University of Arizona in the United States found that two-thirds of shopping cart handles were contaminated with fecal bacteria, including E. coli and Salmonella, which were more polluted than public toilet toilet seats. The main culprit for this pollution is the baby's diaper. Further research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that infants sitting in shopping carts were at greater risk of Salmonella infections near the meat cabinet or poultry area. Shopping cart handles are a horrible spread of diarrhea and other underlying diseases, both for adults and children.
Five, subway handrail column
Due to the huge number of passengers, the subway handrail column naturally becomes a source of disease that has to be prevented. Exposure to the handrail column will inevitably pose a health risk.
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